Portfolio Manager
Monitor all of your stocks, funds and options as they update live! Create up to 10 portfolios or watchlists of up to 50 symbols in each.
Download Native Android And IOS Applications For Supported Mobile Phone And Tablets, Or Access Quotestream Mobile Through Your Mobile Devices Browser.
Monitor all of your holdings as they update live. Your portfolios and watchlists are fully synchronized and editable.
Monitor all of your stocks, funds and options as they update live! Create up to 10 portfolios or watchlists of up to 50 symbols in each.
Keep informed with recent press releases pertaining to your portfolio symbols. Just click on the headline and read the full story.
Setting up and maintaining your portfolios is simple with Quotestream. Complete setup and customization takes only minutes on either Mobile or Desktop versions.
As the Watchlist is fully integrated with the Desktop, each one has up to five columns that coincide with the Desktop Watchlist module display.
Check the daily trend of any particular investment with a click. If you are looking for long term trends, use our 5 day chart, or up to 3 years, with Candlestick, Line, Mountain, or OHLC charts.
Streaming order book data for up-to-date information on market activity and Bid/Ask offers including a Level 2 Pressure Bar as a general indicator of the market trend. Market Depth for NASDAQ, NYSE, AMEX, CME Futures OTCBB, OTC Markets, LSE, TSX, TSXV, CSE, NEO, and other Canadian markets is available.
The Time and Sales Module offers users the views including Trades, Trades & Quotes, and Trades & VWAP. In addition, a user can filter based on Broker and/or Exchange/Market.
Company overview and fundamental data snapshot. Complete company profile and related details available for all securities.
Designed for active traders offering fast, reliable and comprehensive market data at the office, at home, or on the go.
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